Ahh .. havent blogged in a while, have been very busy with everything.. from this new job .. to trying to plan for the wedding... since Jonny is out and about I have some downtime to myself to blog ...
So what has been happening in the last oh.. 3 months ?!
Wedding Dress
So, I hated wedding dress shopping.. the first dress i saw was about 3 times my budget ... and everything else that was within my budget looked ghastly.... until i finally found ONE dress that didn't make me feel like a complete douche... paid in full as a discount was offered if i did.. and thought sweet.. the biggest part of the wedding is done..
UNTIL... about 3 days ago i recieved a phone call to advise me that the head designer had skipped the country with all the money and the dresses... and the shop has now closed down and unfortunately the new owners are unable to give me back my money .. *stress levels shot through the roof* All i could think about was omg.. i had paid in full.. how on earth am I going to be able to get another wedding dress.. and omg.. i had struggled so much just to find a dress i liked.. im going to have to do this whole wedding dress thing ALL over again... just shoot me.
-sigh- but after alot of tears and Jonny trying desperately to calm me down.. we called the bank and luckily the transactions were made via credit.. so we have a chance the bank is able to assist us to hopefully get back the money we had spent on the dress!...
So i made an appointment with Mariana Hardwick... and after trying on the first dress.. went YEP this is the one.. im not going out to try on anything else.. this is the one.. so crisis averted.. i'm back on track... i actually like this dress alot more.. then again.. it is a bit more than the original dress...
After much deliberation.. i had come to the decision to make my invites... there was a company in Indonesia that i had wanted to use.. but they were charging me an arm and a leg for shipping.. and at the end it just wasnt worth it... i came across a picture while googling ideas for invites and decided to go with a concept created by http://jinkyscrafts.blogspot.com/2010/05/exploding-box-invitations.html.
Heres a sneak peak of what i have done so far...
with the girls coming over to assist.. hopefully it won't take too long to do...
New Toy
So...I've never been a huge gambler... mainly because I have the absolute worse luck imaginable.. whenever I go with Jonny to gamble.. he usually bets against whatever I say.. and well.. lets just say once i got it wrong 20 times in a row... which just goes to show.. i should never gamble..
BUT I have found i have this thing called beginners luck.. he took me once to play poker... and while he played on one table.. i wandered off and found an empty table and thought i'll try my luck.. and i just kept winning.. i didnt win much.. im too scared to gamble big but to me it was awesome... but it was short lived because the next time i came back.. i lost... =(
Again ive been watching Jonny play Baccarat for years.. but never joined in and just watched... until today we decided to go and i was given a bit of pocket money to go shopping.. but i decided hey.. i'll try my luck since jonny wasnt playing.. and what do you know.. for once i wasnt half bad..
it won me enough to quickly drop by LV to get...
New work bag - tick
But knowing my luck.. im not counting on winning anymore.. that was beginners luck for me.. and im pretty sure thats as far as my luck extends!
snow trip
So a few weeks ago we made it to Falls Creek and Mount Hotham.. it was awesome fun .. and i'm a sucker for anything that looks pretty .. so when we dropped by the ski hire.. and i saw these ...
i just couldnt resist ..
and then ...
Can you tell im a sucker for anything pink??
I manage to go down the mountain a few times before faceplanting the snow and deciding to call it a day... i'm very proud.. im getting better... very slowly.. haha but im getting there.. next on my to buy list...
Custom Hello kitty snowboard !
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