Monday, November 29, 2010

** RANT **

So .. i take my little sister to school every morning, been doing it for the past 2 years or so .. and i dont mind too much aside from the fact that i have to wake up an extra half an hour earlier to do so.. but thats fine.. every so often (usually every few months or weeks) one of her friends will call pleading they have slept in or its pouring rain and ask for a lift, which im more than happy to do so if its somewhat on the way and if its not too often...
starting from last week this one girl.. has called EVERY MORNING asking for a lift to school... the first time was because it was pouring rain.. (which was fair enough) .. second time was she slept in.. third time (i gave up asking why) and then today... she couldnt find her school uniform??!!! wtf?
As i said i dont mind, BUT only if its on the occasional basis, NOT every day. Even though its on the way .. its not... basically for me on the way means that i dont need to turn anywhere i just need to stop on the side of the road  and pick them up.. but this involves me turning into 2 streets not on the way... and obviously taking 2 streets to get out to go back onto the main road.
So at the end of it.. i am technically wasting petrol (even though its not much) and time to pick up this girl.
Not to mention, most of the time whenever ive ever had to ask for people to give me lifts, i would be so grateful and be thanking them right from the start when i get into the car and again when i leave... this girl gets into the car, doesnt even say hi to me half the time... and yes she saids thanks at the end, but still... what the hell am i? her taxi?
So yes, i feel like such a bitch complaining BUT at the end of the day, i dont like doing things for free.. especially for snotty little kids who are too lazy and think im dumb enough to think that she really "couldnt find her school uniform" which is why she was running late and needed a lift.
**end rant**

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