Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New Knives

You know you are getting old and very domesticated when you get excited for rubbish collection day.
It means that you can do a clean of the house and get rid of the rubbish lying around and it won't sit there stinking up the garage.

Gee i must be getting old if i get excited about cleaning.

So what did my day consist of today. I cleaned out the pantry.. i found foreign items that are well passed the expiry date that it felt as though one false move and it may even explode right there in my hand. Ive completely cleaned it out and im so proud. More so just less worried, with the wedding and the honeymoon and his parents no longer living with us, i was concerned there was going to be a massive mould party when i come back to my pantry after a month of jet setting the globe and no one to keep an eye on the food. So for the next few months (just less than 3 to be exact) we are making sure not to buy to much food for storage. We want to clean out the house before we travel.

Its also exciting to get the kitchen back, dont get me wrong i loved having his parents with us. I didnt have to cook, there was always food ready for me when i came home from work, the house was always clean, not to mention his parents looked after me like i was their own daughter.
BUT i have the kitchen back! Im not a cooking fanatic, to be honest i never really liked cooking in the first place, but its nice to have my things in the kitchen, to go out and buy food and know what there is in my fridge. To be able to plan meals and just wing it with food and hope it taste nice or eat it either way without worrying if its any good.

PLUS i can also now buy more things for the kitchen! Not to say i couldnt before, but our cupboards started to get overcrowded, and there was simply no more rooms for kitchen utensils.

My newest and most awesome purchase today... brand spanking new knife set ...

How awesome is it.

My knives went missing .. i have no idea where half of them went, im assuming the dishwasher may have eaten them ... we had been putting off getting a good knife set .. mainly because i wasnt cooking.. but now to motivate me to cook i have new knives.. will new knives make me a better cook? maybe not.. but I HAVE PRETTY KNIVES

ok enought about cleaning and knives .. back to my real passion .. handbags..

SO .. i have Paris in 3 months, i have put off all forms of luxury shopping until Paris, why? because everything is much cheaper there.. how much cheaper do you say? WELL... a particular bag i want will save me $1000. so ALOT cheaper. BUT i was at crown the other day, i was not dressed appropriately to join Jonny in the Mahogany Room, what did that leave me to do? wander the shops.. what shops may you ask.. Louis Vuitton. It becomes a bit of a worry when you walk into these stores.. and half the sales assistance greet you because they know you .. so i chatted to them and of course they had to show me a new bag that had arrived.. not only that its a seasonal piece.. AND it reminds me of chocolate ..

of course i went oh no matter.. im in Paris in 3 months i will get it there since its cheaper.. the sales assistant went.. its a seasonal piece.. it may not be there when you get to Paris. -_-

mmm now i feel like chocolate..

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